The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (S.B. 657) requires many companies manufacturing or selling products in the state of California to disclose their efforts (if any) to address the issue of forced labor and human trafficking in their supply chains. The law was designed to increase consumers’ knowledge about products they buy and the companies they choose to support.

Our commitments

Our company is committed to respecting the human rights of our employees. Our company policies adhere to the principles of free choice of employment, nondiscrimination, and humane treatment. We ensure compliance with regulations governing child labor, minimum wage, and maximum working hour limitations.

We require that our suppliers adhere to all applicable domestic laws and encourage them to be consistent with the International Labor Organization’s core labor principles.

S.B. 657 statement

At this time we do not perform risk assessments, supplier audits, training, or verification regarding forced labor or human trafficking.